What care for beautiful black skin during pregnancy?

belle peau noire enceintePregnancy mask, unexpected return of forgotten acne, itching, stretch marks... Pregnant, you are lost in the face of preconceived ideas about black skin.  Is it more prone to certain skin problems? In reality, the majority of future mothers are concerned. But, in some cases, black women have more sensitive skin. Your beauty routine must absolutely adapt. IN'OYA takes stock of your cosmetic needs. We give you safe benchmarks for 9 months.

The right gestures to avoid the pregnancy mask

The sun and hormones are the causes of these brown spots on the face. They are distributed on the forehead, cheekbones and around the mouth or maxillae. Sometimes these dark marks can even come out on the body. They are symmetrical and take a more or less  regular shape.

Mother, grandmother warned you of this genetic risk. This is a factor questioned for chloasma, the scientific name for this condition. Your phototype will determine the risk of developing one during pregnancy. It is defined by your skin and hair color. Dark to matte skin is usually more affected.

It is therefore recommended to avoid exposures from the first weeks. Apply sun protection with a high UV index to the face. Repeat the operation regularly. Wear a wide-brimmed hat for your outdoor outings.

If despite these precautions spots appear, stay zen ! This is benign. Unlike other types of melasma, the pregnancy mask disappears naturally. In general, it disappears completely a few months after childbirth.

After the arrival of a baby,  contraception consisting of estrogen can promote the prolongation of the phenomenon. Talk to your gynecologist or midwife to consider an alternative solution. In parallel, you can use an anti-stain serum. Do not try to erase it with a depigmenting laser: be patient, it disappears spontaneously.grossesse ligne ventre peau noire

Note : hormones are also responsible for the famous brown line on the belly. Like melasma, it leaves without treatment a few weeks after the birth of the child.

How to treat your acne simply

You had no buttons since high school. But since you're expecting a baby, it's flowering. Hormones are, once again, responsible for these transformations. It's unfair: some of your pregnant friends have a beautiful complexion. And you despair of overcoming these unsightly buttons. Don't panic! A few simple gestures will allow you to accept this delicate passage for your skin.

Consult the doctor before using any acne remedy. Indeed, some products are contraindicated to pregnant women. They can be dangerous and lead to malformations in the fetus.

We recommend that you follow a routine that is safe for you and your baby. Clean your face morning and evening with a purifying treatment. Apply a suitable cream to remove blackheads and pimples.

At the same time, avoid foods with a high glycemic index. These activate the hormonal secretion that causes the overproduction of sebum. On the other hand, you can enrich your plate with cereals, vegetables or fruits rich in zinc. This trace element is an ally to avoid oily skin problems. It is naturally present in nuts, cocoa or lentils.

The skin pulls : stop dehydration

A lack of water is usually the cause of dry skin. A pregnant woman requires much greater needs. On average, 2 liters of water are recommended per day. Providing enough water to your body is also essential to preserve its elasticity.

If you have difficulty drinking during the day, consider derivative drinks. Herbal teas, infusions, vegetable broths will allow you to maintain a satisfactory internal hydration rate.

In addition, apply a nourishing care, rich enough to soothe your epidermis. Specific body products for pregnancy exist. However, your usual milk may be suitable. Shea butter, coconut or sesame oil are often recommended. Depending on your sensitivity, some formulas will effectively relieve your itching.

But stay vigilant, ban products containing parabens. These preservative components are endocrine disruptors to be avoided absolutely.

belle femme noire enceinteAppearance of stretch marks: can they be prevented?

With weight gain, you worry about having stretch marks on the energized areas. The breasts, the belly, the hips gain volume and your body adapts ! Fragile and sensitive skin, dark or light, are ideal candidates. The particularity of matte and black skin? Over time, brands are more visible. Once the red-purple appearance fades, they will turn into pale or even white stripes.

The loss of suppleness of the skin is the cause of stretch marks. Hormones cause skin changes and  slow down the production of collagen and elastin fibres. Stretch mark creams can't promise to avoid them. But daily hydration of your epidermis will put all the chances on your side.

Massage on your stomach, breasts, hips to soften it deeply. This is a recommended practice from the first month. This massage of sensitive areas will stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in prevention. Weight variations during pregnancy require continuous hydration of the skin .

Taking care of your pregnant skin allows you to feel beautiful despite the hazards. With all these upheavals, it is a privileged moment for oneself. Observing these changes every day is an opportunity to take time for yourself. These moments are to be preserved even after childbirth. Your baby will take a lot of energy from you. You will then be happy to give yourself this time to pamper yourself.