Afro Hair Loss: What to Do?

Chute de cheveux afro
You are concerned about your hair loss. It is sometimes a taboo subject. Yet it deserves to be approached seriously in order to understand its origin. Traction alopecia often explains this phenomenon for frizzy hair. But other factors may be involved : stress, hormones, certain deficiencies, etc.

We present you the most common reasons and the corresponding treatments. Identify your method,  take action and regain your self-confidence!


Traction alopecia

Traction alopecia refers to hair loss related to afro hairstyles. Braids, buns, mats, lace poses / wigs are considered responsible.

These protective hairstyles , however, preserve the lengths of the breakage. But sometimes they are too heavy or too tight, and gradually they weaken  the hair bulb.

The traction then moves the hair fibre away from its root, and blood circulation is slowed down. Less well irrigated, the hair follicle produces with difficulty, if at all, new regrowth. 

The fall is located at the level of the temples and the forehead. It is typical of this mechanical phenomenon. The implantation thus retreats from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The hair is, in fact, more fragile. The crown of the head (vertex) can also be impacted.

Sometimes inflammation of the scalp accompanies traction alopecia. It is characterized by pimples around the hair follicles.

Styling habits

Afro hair is, by nature, more vulnerable. Therefore, he must benefit from permanent vigilance on the care to be provided. Some styling habits weaken the hair fiber and the scalp , and the heat of a dryer or straightener accentuates this sensitivity.alopécie de traction niveau des tempes

Chemical treatments of straightening are likely to damage the lengths. Sometimes they make the fall worse. Repeated staining has the same effect.

These frequent, seemingly innocuous gestures eventually lead to hair breakage, and the two problems are regularly confused. This is easily explained, because this rupture can occur flush with the scalp.

Deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements

The lack of vitamin D is particularly prevalent in black and mixed skin. Indeed, the stronger the pigmentation, the less the body produces this essential element. However, several studies demonstrate its decisive role in the growth and renewal of hair.

B vitamins also have a major role. A diet without these essential nutrients can  therefore  have negative consequences. Vitamins B3, B5, B6, B8, B12 help preserve and strengthen the health of your hair. Some regenerate the hair fiber, others boost  the renewal of the hair follicle. Overall, these are the vitamins to favor for dream hair.

An iron deficiency can also explain this phenomenon. Screening is systematic in women on certain occasions (IUD placement, heavy periods, etc.). Of course, many diseases are also at the root of this lack. Without imagining the worst, it will be advisable not to take this possibility lightly.

In any case, only a blood test can highlight the deficiencies. Avoid self-medication. Ask your doctor for advice. A varied diet will be a first step to be expected. Then, if this is not enough, supplementation with vitamins and trace elements can be considered.

The other most common causes: fatigue, stress, hormonal changes...

Fatigue, stress, emotional disorders can be at the origin of this inconvenience. Have there been any significant changes in your life lately? Moving, different climate, new lifestyle habits contribute to disrupting your body.

In addition, some specific medical treatments sometimes have the same repercussions.

Hormonal changes generate, at times, alopecia. In women's lives, particular periods - childbirth, menopause - will be questioned. In men, aging also causes a remarkable drop in hormones, some of which activate hair growth.

Finally, the origins of alopecia are sometimes multiple. So consider several parallel hypotheses.   If the problem is treated in time, the regrowth will be fine and fragile, but possible.

What are the treatments for afro hair alopecia?

The ideal solution: your natural hair

traitement alopécie de traction naturelFor traction alopecia, stop braiding for a while. This can be really complicated to manage for some people on a daily basis. In this case, limit the damage. Wear the looser, less tight at the root.

Ideally, dare to wear your detached frizzy hair. More and more celebrities are advocating this return to naturalness, it's so inspiring. At INOYA too, we like to release our lengths on occasion!

Natural hair styling has the real benefit of letting your hair breathe . Relieved of the weight, the regrowth process may be able to resume. Unfortunately in some cases, the fall is irreversible.

Patience and perseverance will be required. Friction, handling will, by nature, be more frequent. This will require a little more work on a daily basis, for some time. 

This treatment is natural against traction alopecia. Your hair can  grow back. Reinforced by the care, you can then resume some braiding alternately. Ideal? Change your looks from one month to the next for example: wig in January, natural hair in February, then mats in March!

Care of the scalp and lengths

Choose a gentle wash with an anti-fall shampoo. Leave a mask or balm on once a week. Massage your hair regularly. Thus, you will deeply care for the skin of the scalp and the hair fiber. 

Choose moisturizing and nourishing products based on vegetable proteins and vitamins. Ideally, complete your treatment with olive oils , jojoba. Light, rich in essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6) they will maintain them in depth. Those of wheat germ or shea are also excellent. Castor oil is widely recommended for its fortifying properties.alopécie femme coiffure protectrice

You can supplement the treatment with a rubefiant gel. It will stimulate the scalp and nourish the hair bulb. This lotion also promotes the vigor of your hair.

Some plants presented in capsules to be ingested are sometimes recommended. Watercress, nettle or  blueberry stimulate the growth of new hair. These plants also strengthen the hair fiber. Their effectiveness will depend on each issue.

Medical solutions

Your poor lifestyle is in question ? Sleep, relaxation, varied diet can provide you with excellent results. In case of deficiencies, your doctor has probably advised you to change some habits. To help you, he may have prescribed dietary supplements. Do not increase the doses : the regrowth will not accelerate !

Finally, you have surely heard of hair transplantation. Some dermatologists who specialize in afro hair alopecia suggest this operation. Before scheduling it, the professional must offer you a first appointment. Its purpose will be to define a diagnosis and possible solutions.