Even in winter, the sun's rays can reach deep into the skin all day long. Invisible, they are, by their very nature, very harmful to health. In fact, even on dull days, UVA rays penetrate the skin right down to the dermis. They account for 95% of the ultra-violet (UV) rays to which the body is exposed.
At the root of photo-aging, these solar rays cause oxidative stress affecting collagen and skin cells. In the short term, they leave no visible traces. Yet they are directly implicated in the genesis of hyperpigmentation (melasma), signs of ageing, and so on. In fact, 80% of pigmentation spots - and wrinkles - are due to sun exposure.
Regardless of skin phototype, the epidermis is impacted by UVA rays all year round. That's why, even with dark, black or mixed-race skin, protecting yourself in all circumstances must be a priority.
When you know more about the damaging effects of UVA rays, it's easy to see why sunscreen isn't just an option for your beach bag. Today, it's the only real protection against UV rays, which are the main cause of skin blemishes.
Like fair skin, black skin is almost 20 times more exposed to UVA than UVB rays. UVB represents only 5% of the UV we receive.
They affect more precisely the superficial layer of the skin. Blocked by clouds, these solar rays are nonetheless responsible for sunburn. And over time, they also damage the cells' DNA.
Finally, although UVB rays are more generally implicated in skin cancer, UVA rays also play a role. Powerful protection with UVA and UVB filters is therefore essential for everyday use.
Good to know : to protect your skin effectively, don't keep your sunscreen on for longer than 6 months. Don't take any health risks if your tube is still lying around in your beach bag from last summer... Just throw it away!