Skin problems: what if it was the skin microbiome?

interest of the skin microbiome black skin

Essential microorganisms cover our skin to maintain its good health. These beneficial bacteria are referred to as the skin microbiome. Although little known, this true ecosystem plays a determining role in the beauty and radiance of the epidermis.

On the other hand, if it is weakened, dermatological diseases are likely to appear. These are difficult to eradicate because they develop in a chronic way: acne, eczema, dryness, dehydration, etc. Thus, by strengthening your skin microbiome, you can eradicate the main cause of your skin problems, even the most persistent.

In this article, discover how to have a beautiful skin by taking care of your skin microbiome in a targeted way.


The cutaneous microbiome groups together the bacteria, fungi and archaea existing on the surface of the skin. It can be compared to a "second skin" or a protective biofilm: a good reason to take a closer look!

What is the skin microbiome?

The microbiome is omnipresent in your epidermis. However, these billions of micro-organisms are invisible to the naked eye. In fact, they have only recently come to light. It follows the Human Microbiome Project.

This research program has revealed the complexity of the microbes of the skin flora that accompany us every day for our well-being.

These bacteria are beneficial in the sense that their "barrier function" aims to prevent the development of "bad bacteria". They therefore act in an early stage by fighting against the origin of infections, irritations, dryness and aging.

The skin's microbiome, sometimes called microflora, is a veritable shield that fights internal and external aggressors. This ecosystem protects the body from the effects of pollution, allergens and other harmful substances.

Its bacterial composition is also unique for each person. Like a fingerprint, its profile varies from one individual to another. More than 500 different species cohabiting on the skin have even been identified!

Its discovery and the mastery of its functioning now allow us to take advantage of its virtues to improve our health and well-being.

Good to know: The intestinal microbiome is generally more "known" by the general public. As you can see, the intestine is not the only place where microorganisms can be found in the human body! Apart from the gut and the skin ecosystem, there are also vaginal, nasal and oral microbiomes.

treat acne with skin microbiome care

Microbiome & skin imperfections: what influence on our skin?

The microbiome is key to restoring a glowing complexion. In light of the latest scientific discoveries, its unique nature and characteristics easily justify it.

Indeed, the skin surface is one of the most important microbial environments. As the largest organ, it has an average weight of 5 kg! This true interface therefore plays a vital protective role between the inside and the outside of the human body.

Logically, if the microbiome is disturbed, unbalanced or attacked, the skin's appearance is directly altered. This vulnerability inevitably leads to the appearance and development of chronic dermatological problems, such as the following conditions

  • Eczema
  • Atopic dermatitis (skin dysbiosis)
  • Skin rashes
  • Acne, etc.

The body is no longer able to defend itself against these pathologies because its protective shield is weakened. The decrease in bacterial diversity allows the colonization of the skin by bad bacteria. The role of this pathogenic element is decisive in the fight against inflammatory outbreaks. Taking into account this factor, often ignored, is particularly important in the treatment of acne.

By targeting the restoration of the variety of the microbiome, you help reduce its sensitivity and the associated dermatological problems. By rebalancing the microbiome, this persistent and recurring inflammation phenomenon disappears naturally.

role of the skin microbiome in having beautiful black skin


The skin microbiome has the capacity to evolve according to multiple factors: eating habits, stress, age, lifestyle, etc. This skin ecosystem is a true reflection of the host's genetic makeup and its environment, and therefore fluctuates throughout life. Thus, modifying some of them will preserve or even naturally reinforce it, starting with the cosmetic routine.

Controlling the composition of your cosmetics to protect your skin microbiome

When it comes to taking care of your skin microbiome, there is an important point to consider from the start. If a change in diet or environment affects its condition globally, other transformations will be more targeted. They will treat the specificities and needs of each area.

Indeed, the composition of the skin microbiome fluctuates according to the different parts of the body. Between the face, the arms, the legs or even the armpits: the quantity of micro-organisms is not the same! Therefore, the care given to each surface must be adjusted.

From cleansers to creams, through targeted serums (brown spots, imperfections, signs of aging, dull complexion, etc.), it is necessary to control the composition of all your cosmetics.

First of all, you must reserve the use of acid or retinoid products for limited periods of time. Moreover, their use should be avoided in case of a weakened skin microbiome.

Indeed, although these active ingredients are recognized for their effectiveness, their properties can be irritating for delicate skin. Of course, darker skin types are known for their sensitivity. But fair skin, even without any particular problems, is also concerned: excessive or prolonged use can cause similar problems!

Some acids, such as the famous AHAs, can cause skin rashes, swelling, itching and even bleeding in the most serious cases. Dark, black or mixed-race skin can also overreact to this excessive exfoliation by discoloring.

beauty routine skin microbiome care

How to recognize a product that respects the skin microbiome?

Therefore, it is not obvious how to detect the qualities of a cosmetic product through the skin microbiome. At first glance, this rather scientific term is not clearly mentioned on the labels.

In reality, a product formulated to strengthen and preserve the skin microbiome is distinguished from others by its specific composition. For a cream, it combines moisturizing, protective and regenerating active ingredients without risk with the natural benefits of prebiotics and probiotics.

This care product can, for example, contain ceramides, like the one developed by the In'Oya laboratory, with unifying properties for dry or combination to oily skin. This powerful but non-aggressive active ingredient consolidates the skin barrier.

Hyaluronic acid, a classic recognized for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties, is also safe for the microbiome. This ingredient has the exceptional ability to treat the deep layers of the epidermis.

In these cosmetics, the addition of pre- and probiotics to the other components is intended to support the body's beneficial bacteria.

Therefore, by favouring this type of care, we observe a clear improvement in the appearance of the skin. Rebalanced and more resistant, the epidermis retains water better, naturally avoiding dehydration and dryness.

Good to know: certain food supplements contribute to a radiant skin. Their active ingredients work from the inside on the intestine-skin axis, to strengthen it through a complete in & out treatment.Indeed, the intestinal microbiome is closely linked to the condition of your skin. Inflammation of the intestine can lead to inflammation of the skin!

replace classic soap that is too alkaline for the skin microbiome


Once you have sorted out your moisturizing cosmetics and replaced them, you can change other habits that are harmful to your skin microbiome. Explanation.

Common mistakes to avoid to preserve your skin microbiome

Don't always take the time to apply your moisturizer at least twice a day? Break this bad habit by making sure you do it in the morning and before you go to sleep.

Be especially rigorous about the evening ritual. Generally richer and more nourishing, it is developed specifically for the night, because it is at this time that the epidermis regenerates in depth. It is therefore a key time to meet the needs of the skin microbiome, on all parts of the body.

Finally, if you were using soap to clean your skin, replace it without delay with a milder product. Indeed, the alkaline character of this washing product unbalances its pH.

In other words, soap alters the skin's protective lipid layer, whereas a formula adapted to the skin's microbiome will preserve it.

Note: in your daily routine, don't neglect the care of areas exposed to the elements or heavily used, such as the hands and feet

evening ritual to strengthen the skin microbiome

Dryness, dehydration: how to soothe an attacked skin microbiome?

When the cutaneous microbiome is "attacked", the damage to the skin is visible, but of a varied nature. Thus, it is not necessarily easy to identify the cause of this dermatological problem.

Here are a few common situations that can lead to a weakened microbiome. We have associated our recommendations to remedy them.

Too much heating, badly regulated air conditioning? You do not control the quality of the air in your environment! To avoid drying out your skin even more and to help your microbiome, always carry a thermal water spray and your usual cream with you. If your skin feels tight, take an "anti-dehydration" break. It will be a great comfort for this more exposed part of the epidermis!

If the antibacterial lotion became a daily essential, its aggressive aspect for our hands is often forgotten! After several applications, at the end of the day, the skin is inevitably irritated. So remember to take a moisturizing and repairing care product to avoid these inconveniences.

Also, always in a global approach, do not lose sight of the essential role of your lifestyle on the skin microbiome. In terms of diet, pay more attention to unprocessed, fiber-rich products. You can also consume milk formulas supplemented with probiotics.

Finally, keep in mind this classic advice, which is crucial for the beauty of the skin and the radiance of the complexion. Make sure you drink enough water every day, at least 1.5 liters!