Our tips for perfect hair removal

épilation peau noire Hair removal is something that you, dear OYA, know well. Unfortunately, what you also know well are the disadvantages it can cause: ingrown hairs, hyperpigmentation... What advice to wax with confidence?

All women are looking for the perfect hair removal. Even hunt for superfluous hair, and sometimes even disastrous results! In women with black and matte skin, the task is indeed more complicated. Significant hairiness, thicker hair, dark melanin...

You should know that by pulling the hair with pliers or electric epilator, it can happen that it breaks. The part that grows back will curve in the skin, hence the appearance of an ingrown hair. This hair will become infected, cause a pimple and can even lead to hyperpigmentation spots. But rest assured, our team has planned advice to put an end to these unwanted results!


1. Step 1: Scrub. Perform a gentle scrub regularly, i.e. once a week, with fluffy textures or non-irritating biological enzymes such as My CLEAN'OYA® EXTRA Exfoliating Cleansing Gel. This gesture will allow the pores to open and the hairs to find their way to the exit more easily, instead of curving in the skin.

2. Step 2: Hydration. We can never repeat it enough: soft and clear skin is hydrated skin. Do not forget to pass on the skin a moisturizing aftershave product , to soothe and prevent bacterial attacks and thus avoid the development of pimples.


Choose the gentle method : be sure to remove the hair in its entirety. Above all, prepare your skin in advance, and care for it afterwards. Results guaranteed!