Skin Cycling: a good idea for my black or brown skin?

skin cycling routine black skinSkin Cycling is a skin care trend that guarantees its followers a dream skin in only 4 days. By using a specific active ingredient each evening, the Skin Cycling routine optimizes cell renewal. The goal? Fight against the signs of aging, dullness and imperfections.

If the promise can make people smile and even doubt its real effectiveness, the method is approved by several skin experts. In reality, this treatment protocol, based on a return to the essentials, is nothing new. It is already well known in dermatology.

If the Skin Cycling routine is advertised on social networks as suitable for all skin types, the truth is quite different. The active ingredients used, such as retinol, may not be adapted to the specificities of pigmented skin and may present a risk of hyperpigmentation.

Discover how to safely enjoy the benefits of Skin Cycling, with a program designed specifically for brown, black and mixed-race skin. 


The Skin Cycling routine is a skincare trend popularized on the Tik Tok platform by an American dermatologist, Dr Whitney Bowe.

This technique aims to fight against imperfections and signs of aging, by boosting cell renewal. The simple method is based on a 4-night cycle and focuses on one key ingredient each night.

The concept is therefore based on a minimalist approach. Unlike layering, which consists of applying ten or so products in succession, Skin Cycling focuses each night on a single, targeted action. In this care routine, the number of active ingredients used on the face is limited to promote the natural restoration of the skin.

This skincare program is therefore very simple to implement. In concrete terms, in the initial approach, we focus on exfoliation on the first night, then retinoids on the second. The 3rd and 4th nights are dedicated to hydration and repair. This process is repeated a second time.


Indeed, the Skin Cycling routine has been approved by certified dermatologists on several occasions. However, the recommended protocols must always be followed according to the skin and its particularities. In this case, retinol is not safe for darker skin types. Decrypting.

Retinol: an irritant that increases the risk of hyperpigmentation

In a basic Skin Cycling, the second night is devoted to the use of retinol. Derived from vitamin A, this substance increases cell renewal by exfoliating the horny layer of the epidermis. However, it has significant side effects such as dryness, dehydration, irritation, UV sensitivity and flaking.

Products containing retinoids act inside the tissue. Therefore, they can cause the appearance of pigmentation spots and even inflammation (acne pimples). The epidermis becomes more vulnerable, even if retinol is only applied at night.

Moreover, retinol is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity or skin dryness and in certain situations, such as pregnancy.

What alternative to retinol for Skin Cycling of black or brown skin?

The return to basics advocated by Skin Cycling reminds us above all of the importance of defining one's objective precisely to avoid accumulating active ingredients. Without retinol, the major principles of Skin Cycling can be followed to regain beautiful skin. If bakuchiol is often cited as an alternative, it is not the only one.

In fact, targeting cell renewal to fight against imperfections or erase the signs of aging is a classic approach in dermatology. The In'Oya laboratory has based its REPAIR'OYA® technology on this essential principle.

The regeneration process of dark skins is longer and more complex than for light skins. It was therefore essential to create a customized cosmetic formula to optimize it during the key sleep phase. The Regenerating & Repairing Elixir is a night care product designed to meet this need. 

Enriched with hyaluronic acid, it moisturizes, strengthens and repairs the skin. Its natural active ingredients, derived from African pharmacopoeia, such as Alchornea Cordifolia or Diospyros Mespiliformis, stimulate cell regeneration. Their recognized properties, particularly in healing, boost the functioning of skin tissue like retinol, but without the associated drawbacks. skin cycling without retinol


It is possible to benefit from the effects of the Skin Cycling approach without the risk of irritation, hyperpigmentation or even inflammation! To do so, it is essential to choose the right active ingredients for your nightly ritual. By choosing a gentle exfoliant and a complex focused on the specific regeneration of dark skin, you will benefit from all the advantages of the Skin Cycle.

Every night, start by washing your face with a micellar makeup remover or a cleansing foam. Then follow the advice in phases 1 and 2 of our program.

Skin Cycling - Phase 1: Exfoliate to prepare the skin to receive the active ingredients

The first evening, on clean skin, start your Skin Cycling routine with exfoliation. This targeted action rids the epidermis of dead cells, deeply unclogs pores and eliminates impurities. This step optimizes the effectiveness of anti-spot and anti-imperfection treatments.

The skin is prepared to receive the active ingredients of the second night and benefit from them in an ideal way. The skin is purified and regains its original softness and radiance.

Chemical exfoliants generally contain fruit acids or enzymes, or even glycolic acid. For darker skin types, it is preferable to use a specific exfoliating gel based on the active ingredients of salicylic acid.

salicylic acide - exfoliating gel for black skin

This oil-soluble exfoliant penetrates your pores to remove the impurities that cause pimples. Retinol "purges" the skin, even if it means causing inflammation, while salicylic acid cleanses the skin thoroughly, but gently. The delicate action of bamboo and jojoba microbeads also guarantees effective exfoliation without the risk of hyperpigmentation.

The application of a moisturizer concludes this first phase of Skin Cycling.

Good to know: Dermatologists, specialists in black skin, recommend opting for chemical exfoliating products rather than physical scrubs. Less aggressive, they preserve the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis.

Skin Cycling - Phase 2: Regenerating the skin in depth

In this variant of Skin Cycling, the second evening devoted to retinol is therefore replaced by an additional rest stage. Since this program is recommended for 8 days, the benefits of the 3 days of recovery allow the complete cycle to be restarted in optimal conditions.

During this second phase, the Skin Cycling approach focuses on the nutrition of the skin microbiome. Its objective is to strengthen the skin barrier. This is why a night care product containing probiotics and prebiotics is specifically recommended by dermatologists.

The advantage of the exclusive REPAIR'OYA® complex is that it also fulfills this fundamental mission. Thus, the Regenerating & Repairing Elixir optimizes cell renewal while strengthening the skin's protective shield against external aggressions.

With this anti-aging Skin Cycling, the skin will feel lifted and firmed, and wrinkles will immediately fade. Against spots and imperfections, this routine inspired by the skin cycle, but without retinol, will restore a true radiance to the complexion.

Good to know: During these recovery days, a targeted serum can be applied before moisturizing.