Social Media & Influencers: Reliable guides to beautiful skin?

The digital age has transformed our approach to beauty, redefining our perceptions and trends to follow. Thus, on platforms like Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, influencers with millions of subscribers share their skincare routines on a daily basis.

Between enthusiastic testimonials and advice from self-proclaimed experts, the public finds itself overwhelmed by a profusion of information. In this amalgam of useful tips, ephemeral fads and sometimes fanciful or dangerous recommendations, it's hard to disentangle the real from the false.

Aware of these challenges, the In'Oya team is committed to helping you overcome them. Through an in-depth analysis of this phenomenon, discover how to care for your skin in an informed and enlightened way.

How are social networks transforming our relationship with beauty?

From our purchasing behavior to our self-esteem, we are constantly influenced by the beauty norms and aesthetic standards conveyed by social media. Here's how.

Beauty products: influence & buying behavior

From blogs to YouTube videos, Instagram to TikTok and Facebook, each platform offers a new angle on cosmetic trends and "must-have" methods.

These permanent showcases don't just present products; they also shape our perception of beauty. The more holistic approach to skincare, with the "in & out" technique, or minimalist routines have emerged and evolved thanks to these channels. However, some of these procedures raise questions. Often very attractive, they promise rapid, even spectacular results. But what about their real impact and, above all, their durability?

These tips come from a variety of sources. Many of these influencers - now called content creators - have the advantage of being accessible, but are not always experts.

Their recommendations cross paths with those of real skin specialists, such as dermatologists, pharmacists and beauty professionals. In this information-overloaded context, it becomes difficult to distinguish reliable recommendations from those to be avoided.

What's more, over the past few years, surveys have shown the considerable impact of social networks on our consumption. A recent GFK study for Facebook showed that 72% of Beauty sector customers were influenced by online content when buying products.

The impact of content creators on our vision of beauty

This influence is not limited to products and trends; it extends to self-image and self-esteem. Constant exposure to perfect faces can create unrealistic expectations in most of us.

Yet the reality behind these perfect images is often quite different. Many of these photos are carefully staged and edited to appear ideal. But this pressure to match often unattainable beauty standards can lead to self-esteem issues, anxiety and constant comparison. So it's crucial to be aware of these influences, in order to preserve and maintain a positive, realistic self-esteem.

With this in mind, it's essential to adopt a critical and selective approach. This vigilance helps us to identify advice that is beneficial to our skin. At the same time, it protects us from unrealistic beauty standards that are detrimental to our self-esteem and well-being.

What's the truth behind influencer beauty tips?

Social media is a veritable reservoir of tips and tricks. There are charismatic influencers, each with their own share of followers. These content creators share their routines, favorite treatments and tips.

But don't forget this basic principle: being popular online doesn't always mean being a specialist, and it doesn't always mean being honest.

Skin health: recognizing the limits of certain content creators

Trendy products promoted on social networking platforms can easily seduce us. 

But it's important to take the time to question this content:

  • Does this treatment meet my specific needs?
  • Am I sure of its safety? Has it been proven by official laboratory tests?
  • Is it suitable for my sensitive skin, etc.?

This duality between trends and personalized care represents a real challenge for those seeking effective and, above all, reliable solutions.

In reality, behind every online beauty recommendation lie diverse motivations. These can range from the promotion of sponsored products to the quest for likes and followers. That's why potential bias in their advice is inevitable.

Influencers, while compelling and popular, are rarely qualified in dermatology. The tests and recommendations presented on the web, through RS, offer an immediate and often appealing insight. But it's essential to recognize their health limitations.

Beauty expertise: keeping a critical eye on social media

Consequently, the opinions of these professional testers do not replace the competence of health and beauty experts. While influencers may share their experiences with sincerity, this does not give them the legitimacy of a true specialist to assess the efficacy and safety of products.

That's why you need to be cautious about the content you view. Reality can easily be distorted on social networks. Photo and video retouching, beauty filters and perfect staging can make products look much more attractive than they really are.

In a world where information is abundant, but not always verified, developing a critical sense is essential.  In concrete terms, you need to be able to question the relevance of information, and supplement it with expert advice. With this in mind, it's essential to know how to distinguish between sponsored recommendations and personal opinions based on real experience.

By mastering the complex world of online beauty, you'll be able to make the most of the recommendations available on the web, while remaining true to your unique needs.

From influence to reality: when trends aggravate skin problems

Everyone has the ability to influence, even you! At In'oya, we value the sharing of your personal experiences, because they bring an authentic and much-needed perspective to the illusions often presented on social networks.

By sharing your stories with our community, you help others build their confidence in natural beauty. But you also play a key role in raising awareness of the dangers of blindly adopting the trends propagated on social networks.

Discover 3 significant testimonials of this reality below. These experiences underline the importance of a personalized, informed approach to skincare.

  • Aminata, 28, a young mom with a passion for beauty was captivated by Instagram trends. In search of the perfect moisturizer to remove her facial blemishes, she multiplied her experiments. Unfortunately, this frantic quest ultimately aggravated her acne. Her encounter with In'oya at an event was the turning point.

    It was at her local pharmacy in Montpellier. She received a personalized diagnosis, leading her to adopt a customized beauty routine. This tailored approach finally enabled her to see a noticeable, but above all lasting, improvement!

  • Awa, 21, had suffered the dangers of a TikTok beauty trend - excessive exfoliation. This practice seriously damaged her skin, leaving it irritated and sensitive.

    Realizing the risk of blindly following trends, Awa learned to seek reliable, and above all more appropriate, advice. Thanks to personalized care and the help of professionals, she is now proud of her naturally radiant skin.

  • Jamal, 38, faced with pimples and ingrown hairs, tried home remedies suggested by an influencer. These dubious methods, such as the overuse of retinol, only made his situation worse.

    Fortunately, a friend told her about the online advice offered by the In'Oya team.

    Following a chat with one of our staff, he adopted a skincare routine in line with his skin type, and benefited from personalized follow-up. After just a few months, Jamal's skin was finally healthy again, and for a long time to come.

These stories highlight the crucial importance of striking a balance between influencer rhetoric and professional recommendations.

In this context, not all the advice available on the Web should be discredited. Some of them are of high quality and contribute to a better understanding of your skin's specificities.

In conclusion, in the face of the undeniable influence of social networks and content creators, it's essential to keep a critical eye. Put your trust in reliable sources, whether they be recommendations from established brands or independent experts, because they can really help you.

By judiciously combining online advice with a solid knowledge base, you'll strengthen your personal understanding of your skin in depth. This gives you the power to enhance your natural beauty over the long term.